Why Physical Education Should Definitely Be In Our Schools
Physical education, or PE, is an essential part of the school physical education. Children need to spend at least two hours a day doing some sort of physical activity. It helps them build strength and flexibility, and also helps them get rid of the energy that they spend on sitting in classrooms.
PE also helps students learn how to work as a team, deal with stress, build self-confidence, and learn how to follow directions. It’s so beneficial that the American College of Sports Medicine has even called it “one of the most important parts of a healthy lifestyle.
That being said, many schools around the country have been ditching PE classes. Most schools see it as too expensive, or they don’t think it’s necessary. However, we think there’s a much simpler explanation.
What’s Happening to Physical Education in Schools?
Many schools around the country have been ditching PE classes. Most schools see it as too expensive, or they don’t think it’s necessary. However, we think there’s a much simpler explanation. Physical education isn’t just a time to blow off extra energy or to get children fit. It also teaches them important skills like teamwork, leadership, and following directions.
Children in elementary school are constantly sitting at their desks for hours on end with little to no movement. They need physical activity to release their energy and get some exercise in before they go back home to enjoy more sedentary activities like watching TV and playing video games.
If PE isn’t part of your child’s school curriculum, ask your child’s teacher if they can add it into the day. Or contact your school board members and let them know that you want this program added back into the curriculum. It may be a small class that only lasts an hour every few days, but it could be one of the most important parts of your child’s healthy lifestyle!
How Can Physical Education Make Our Lives Better?
PE has so many benefits, but it’s not enough to just know the benefits. We want you to understand how PE can make your life better.
Physical education is important because it helps students build strength and flexibility. It also helps them develop the confidence they need in order to succeed at school and in life. PE teaches students that teamwork is important when accomplishing a task and that setting goals are necessary for success. Playing outside also helps children relax after being cooped up inside all day at school.
PE may be best for students who need a break from sitting in classrooms all day long. Do you ever get tired of sitting all day? After an hour or two spent sitting, your back hurts, your legs start to feel heavy, and your head starts to hurt from lack of oxygen caused by deep breathing. Physical activity can help prevent these symptoms from happening and keep you feeling great throughout the day!
Benefits of Physical Education
Physical education is a great way to get children moving- which is important because kids spend so much time sitting at desks. Being sedentary for too long has been linked to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. This is why it’s essential to incorporate physical education into the school day.
And there are many more benefits to being able to participate in physical education on a regular basis. One of the most important? PE helps students learn how to work together as a team. In addition, it teaches them how to manage their stress levels and build self-confidence- skills that are important for their future success. In fact, a study found that after only one semester of participation in PE, there was an increase in children’s self-esteem and body image satisfaction.
PE is also crucial for teaching children about healthy habits. Kids will learn about what foods they should eat before or after exercising, or how much water they need when they work out information that can be easily forgotten if not dealt with during the school day.
Read More: Top Ten Lighthouse Education Benefits for Students
So, why do schools make this mistake? We think the answer is simple: “It’s easier not to have PE classes than it is to teach them. It’s cheaper too…
How to Improve PE Standards in Schools
Schools are cutting back on PE because they believe it’s not necessary. However, we think there is another explanation. Physical education helps students learn how to work as a team and follow directions, which can also be taught in school. Additionally, research has shown that exercise leads to better attendance rates and behavior.
The solution? It might be as simple as a more focused approach to PE in schools. It could be teaching students how to play different sports or even teaching them the basics of yoga or other types of exercise. One way or another, physical education should definitely be in our schools.
Final Words: Why Physical Education Should Definitely Be in Our Schools
Physical education classes are typically the first to be cut when school budgets get tight. It can sometimes feel like a luxury in today’s world. But research has shown that physical education is an important part of a child’s education and should be included in their everyday lives.
So, we say it’s time to bring it back. The benefits are too great to ignore.